
José Font –

José is Associate Professor in Computer Science at Malmö University and holds a PhD in artificial intelligence from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. His research focuses on artificial intelligence and computational intelligence in games, exploring the ways in which AI can be a productive and creative tool during the video game development process, such as procedural content generation and mixed-initiative creative tools. He is also active in gamification, e-learning, and purposeful games.

Google Scholar profile.

Alberto Álvarez –

Alberto Alvarez is Associate Senior Lecturer and former PhD student (graduated fall 2022) at the faculty of technology and society at Malmö University. His research focuses on exploring and developing Human-AI collaborative systems to co-create games and creative content, investigating Human-AI roles, properties, and interactions. His research interests and past work includes Human-AI collaboration systems, PCG, Quality-Diversity Algorithms, and Designer Models. He is also interested in making computer science topics such as Artificial Intelligence more accesible to society and other fields.

Google Scholar profile and Website/Portfolio

Carl Johan Gribel –

Carl Johan is teaching computer graphics, C++ and other subjects at the Game Development program at Malmö University.

He is a programmer at heart and is interested in fast rendering pipelines in DirectX or OpenGL, skeletal animation systems, and game engine architecture in general.

Carl Johan holds a MSc in Engineering Physics and is a PhD student in computer graphics at Lund Institute of Technology.

George Palamas –

Georgios Palamas holds a PhD in Mobile Robotics and Self Organizing Systems from the University of South Wales. As a creative technologist, he has a passion for using game engines to develop interactive experiences, games, and data-driven artworks. With over a decade of experience in the field, he has developed a strong understanding of the creative possibilities that arise at the intersection of technology and design.

Currently, George is a Senior Lecturer at Malmo University, Faculty of Technology and Society. Prior to this, he served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University Copenhagen. During his time at Aalborg University, he focused on computational creativity, procedural content generation, computer graphics and information aesthetics.

He is constantly seeking new ways to integrate technology and the humanities into compelling and engaging experiences, as well as exploring the cultural, creative, and social implications of emerging technologies.

Raquel Robinson

Raquel Robinson is Associate Senior Lecturer at MAU and former postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Social Emotional Technology lab. She received her PhD in Computer Science at the University of Saskatchewan, her dissertation work focusing on designing and creating affective games, or games that are influenced by a player’s emotional state.

In her research work, Raquel leads the design and deployment of an educational live-action role playing (larp) camp aimed at middle school girls for the purpose of increasing their perceived competence and interest in computer science/coding. Raquel is particularly interested in all aspects of games, and how they can be used to connect people, as well as on projects relating to the application of AI for facilitating social connection. 

Contact email:

Mikaela O’Bryan –

Mikaela O’Bryan is currently a PhD Student in Computer Science at Malmö University, initiating a research journey focused on the intersection of digital solutions and sustainability. The primary objective is to explore how digitalization can facilitate the transition to a more sustainable society, emphasizing the central role of humans. Mikaela holds a MSc in Computer Science from the master’s program Innovation for Change in a Digital Society, with a primary research interest in understanding the impact of technology on societal change.

Johan Holmberg –

Johan is an PhD student in Computer Science at Malmö University, who also works as a teacher and technical lab manager. He holds an MSc in Computer Science. His thesis explores AI-driven procedural content generation in mixed-initiative game development tools.

Steve Dahlskog –

Steve Dahlskog is a tenured assistant professor at Malmö University. His main research interest include procedural content generation in games and game AI. Steve holds a PhD in Computer Science and is the program manager of the game developer program at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology. He is also a well-known community member in the Malmö gaming sphere.

Carl Magnus Olsson –

Carl Magnus is a Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology at Malmö University. He is responsible for the Smart Living application area within the Internet of Things and People Research Center. He holds a PhD in context-aware systems from the Computer Science and Information Systems Department, University of Limerick, Ireland. The core study of his PhD was a longitudinal exploratory action research study together with industrial partners, using a context-aware game for passengers of cars to study the effects on interaction between people travelling together, and how this in turn affected their perceptions on travel by car.

Aside from his special interest in context-aware games, and based on his industry as well as research background in software engineering, Carl teaches as well as has general research interests in game design and game development. He views design of game mechanics and the gameplay patterns these promote as a key resource for game development, something which is becoming even more effective when using post-deployment data collection to inform continuous product development and innovation.

Outside digital games, which is where Carl conducts the majority of his work, he manages large-scale collaborative projects with industry partners developing mobile and IoT related devices and services (for convenience, effectiveness, as well as entertainment purposes). His research interests remain the same as within his gaming specific work as he is a firm believer in cross-discipline learning.

Gustaf Larsson –

Gustaf works as a research assistant with focus on Human-AI collaborative systems, and is simultaneously doing his MSc in Applied Data Science. He holds a BSc in computer science with Game Development from Malmö Universitet.

Gustaf is passionate about the many aspects of artificial intelligence and AI in digital games.